Execution of shafts in Martigny

In the valley of Martigny, a small town in the Valais canton (Switzerland), underground works for the installation of 380 kV high voltage lines between Biatiaz and Verney are ongoing.

ICOP, by means of its swiss branch ISP CONSTRUCTION, executes the IN/OUT microtunnelling shafts using 1.5m thickness diaphragm wall and 1500mm diameter jet-grouting technique, under presence of high voltage overhead lines.

The shafts have a rectangular geometry, 17m x 10m and 26,50m depth for the IN shaft, 12m x 7,50m and 21,50m depth for the OUT shaft.

As the watertable is at 1.5m from the working platform, jet-grouting was used to install bottom slab and IN/OUT MTBM for both shafts.

ICOP realizes its tasks for the Consortium VERTIAZ (CSC and WEBUILD), under the supervision of SWISSGRID.

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